
Teaching Your Dog Good Manners

Understanding dog training

Woman Hugging Siberian Husky Dog

Ensuring your dog is properly trained will prevent behavior-based problems, both within a family environment as well as with neighbors and friends. An obedient dog is always a source of reassurance.

Training your dog also enables them to lead a fuller and happier life, as they are noble animals who love to be treated with affection and suffer when they are unable to comprehend which of their instinctive behaviors is the one that you dislike.

The basis of canine training is properly understanding a dog’s nature and clearly distinguishing which canine behaviors are authorized or unacceptable.

Training begins once your canine friend instinctively learns to behave as per your standards, in exchange of praise and rewards. However, identifying acceptable behaviors on their own does not constitute an easy task. The most successful methods of canine education focus on using techniques that enable dogs of any age to learn. Any owner can educate a pet by applying basic training techniques. Click To Tweet

Dog training is based on studies on animal behavior, the human-canine bond, and the latest developments in the field of canine psychology.By rewarding good behavior, modern canine education does not tolerate any type of mistreatment. Click To Tweet

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How can I train my dog?

Basic canine education consists of a set of fundamental behaviors that ensure your dog’s wellbeing, as well as the safety of your family and the environment. It consists of teaching your pet to clearly distinguish between:

Desired Behaviors

    1. Urinating in a designated area;
    2. Walking on a leash;
    3. Walking alongside you;
    4. Behaving properly in the presence of other people or animals;
    5. Interacting with the veterinarian, barber or others without exhibiting aggression; and
    6. Interpreting and executing basic commands such as sitting down, laying down, staying put, and approaching or moving away from you.
dog good manners

Undesired Behaviors

      1. Marking their territory inside the house;
      2. Chewing on household objects;
      3. Jumping on people;
      4. Escaping when the door is open;
      5. Excessive barking;
      6. Attacking persons or animals; and
      7. Pulling on the leash during a walk.
dog leash pulling

What type of training does my dog need?

You will find many different types of training to select from, depending on the desired goal, i.e. the task that you want your dog to perform.

Dogs have helped us achieve numerous objectives throughout history. Whether as rescuers, guards, shepherds or pets, dogs have demonstrated learning and working abilities for many different fields of work, which include:

Even if your dog receives in-class training, real training success stems from practicing at home. Click To Tweet

For each case, the training required is different, but based on similar basic concepts. A professional trainer can be considered a facilitator, since the end goal is for your dog to behave appropriately in your company and follow your commands.

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About cosmodoggyland (491 Articles)
Gaby is our Content Director and main Emma spoiler. She believes knowledge paves the path towards dreams, so she is always searching for cost- and time-effective ways to achieve learning goals. Passionate about new tools to acquire and convey knowledge, she used creative methods to make Science and Math fun for her children. With a B.Sc. and Marketing studies, she is currently involved in an educational online startup. Contact at cosmodoggyland@gmail.com

1 Comment on Teaching Your Dog Good Manners

  1. This is a great post thaanks

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  1. The Do’s and Don’ts of Dog Training - COSMODOGGYLAND
  2. 10 Tips For Traveling With Your Dog - COSMODOGGYLAND

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